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川字掌多晚婚。(川字掌)的人,自信心强、轻率、武断、主观强不容接纳别人意见,对人对事非常认真,但嫉妒心极为强烈,特别是职业女性,於事业上可有成就,但对恋爱和 婚姻则极为不好,麻烦多多。川字掌之人不分男女,大都是精明干练,喜自由自在,而且独立性强,胆子大,但容易感情用事,常常不计后果,与六亲的缘份也很薄,所以最好可以改变一下个性,不要一意孤行,多多听别人的意见,不然夫妻常常会有口角,甚至离异。一般来说,“川字掌”是幸运的标志,是成功的标志。有“川字掌”的女性通常情况下也旺夫,丈夫也很容易在和她婚后获取事业的成功



Cai Chuan is a famous writer and director in China, who has created many excellent literary and artistic works. However, besides his outstanding works, his love story with his wife, Wu Xiumin, is also well-known.

Cai Chuan and Wu Xiumin were classmates in college, and they first met in class. At that time, Wu Xiumin was attracted by Cai Chuan's talent and enthusiasm for literature. Although they were both busy with their studies, they still found time to communicate with each other, and gradually became friends.

After graduation, Cai Chuan went to Beijing to pursue his career, while Wu Xiumin stayed behind and began teaching in their alma mater. However, they still kept in touch and communicated through letters and phone calls. Although they were far apart, their love grew stronger with time.

However, after they got married, they faced many challenges and tests. Cai Chuan was often away from home due to his busy career, while Wu Xiumin had to take care of their children and manage their family. They also faced some financial difficulties and social pressures.

Today, Cai Chuan and Wu Xiumin have been married for many years, and their love story has become a model for many young people. They have also contributed to the development of Chinese literature and art, and left a profound mark on the history of Chinese culture. Their love story is a testimony to the power of true love.




