Agli ordini del Fuhrer e al servizio di Sua Maestà.....Italy
Fantastique histoire vraie d'Eddie Chapman, La.....France
Im Dienste der deutschen Armee.....West Germany
Maailmansodan vaarallisin mies.....Finland
Spion zwischen zwei Fronten.....West Germany
Terence Young's Triple Cross.....UK (complete title)
Triple cross, verdenskrigens mesterspion.....Denmark
未来世界Westworld (1973-11-21)
谍海龙蛇生死斗 Serpent,The (1973-1-1)
再见萨巴达 Adiós,Sabata (1971-5-24)
金鹅档案 File of the Golden Goose,The (1969-10-2)
金屋春宵 Madwoman of Chaillot,The (1969-10-1)
双重间谍网 Triple Cross (1967-2-24)
豪勇七蛟龙续集 Return of the Seven (1966-10-19)
谍海 Morituri (1965-8-25)
七侠荡寇志 Magnificent Seven,The (1960-10-23)
奥菲斯的遗嘱 Le Testament d'Orphée (1960-2-18)
七侠荡寇志花絮 The Magnificent Seven Extras (1960-1-1)
所罗门与示巴Solomon and Sheba (1959-12-24)
真假公主Anastasia (1956-12-13)
国王与我 The King and I (1956-6-28)
十诫 The Ten Commandments (1956)