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99年美国FOX公司的电影《完美计划》(Best Laid Plans)

剧情简介:凡事有因必有果。当面临道德极限的考验时,尼克、丽莎和伯瑞斯深刻的体会到了这一点,这时他们已坠入了友谊与理想交错编织的危险黑网中。这三个人目前都处在人生目标的十字路口,伯瑞斯是尼克的老朋友,正在准备学术论文,尼克则自以为崇高的为自己不断设定新的人生方案,丽莎这个迷人的女孩正一心攀登着自己的艺术象牙塔。酒醉的伯瑞斯被一个女孩威胁非礼并要诉诸警方,尼克现在是唯一可以帮助他的人。在改变人生的一刹那,他们必须做出痛苦的选择,既要对得起良心,又要不负友情…… 来源:碟友网 影评: Two old friends, Nick (Alessandro Nivola) and Bryce (Josh Brolin), are in a bar when a highly available-looking single woman named Kathy (Reese Witherspoon) catches their eye. Fade out, mysteriously, on the back of her head. Then it is hours later and Bryce is frantically summoning Nick to the house where he and the woman have had a sexual encounter that went very wrong. As proof of that, she is now gagged and handcuffed to the base of a pool table. She's upset. But maybe Nick is more so. Kathy was Lissa, Nick's devoted girlfriend, before this whole thing got started. These are the seeds of the junior noir thriller ''Best Laid Plans,'' a mixed bag of striking visual style and overbearingly poisonous plotting that perhaps not even the actors could entirely believe. Mr. Nivola, who was so good as John Travolta's malevolent brother in ''Face/Off'' and is a handsome, coolly compelling presence here, has said: ''We were all pretty easygoing about it. You'd come to work, do the job, act like somebody else, then go home and go about your life. You never felt that one person was off somewhere exploring the recesses of their darker side.'' It would be unfair to cite that if this film by Mike Barker (a former BBC cameraman who directed one previous feature, ''The James Gang''), which aspires to the chilly perfectionism and moral ambiguity of ''The Usual Suspects'' or ''Red Rock West,'' were not so clearly at war with itself. Visually ambitious but exasperatingly written (by Ted Griffin, also responsible for the solemn absurdities of ''Ravenous''), it's the kind of thriller in which style overwhelms substance by default. In a scene in which a character is suddenly abducted, for instance, there's as much emphasis on the neon-colored lighting behind the car's hood ornament as on the drama of the event. When the contents of the heroine's purse are dumped out and searched, the camera is right there on the floor, looking up through a glass-topped coffee table. The story, which attempts a three-character war of nerves in the form of an elaborate scam, can't easily compete with such interesting distractions. But it means to manipulate the characters' scruples and the viewer's suspicions. Flashing back four months earlier, it establishes Lissa as a worldly but trusting soul who is charmed by Nick as soon as she meets him. Nick, on the other hand, is the sort of guy who's in a good mood right after his father's wake. And Bryce, played with gutsy obnoxiousness by Mr. Brolin, is a whiner from a wealthy family, the very embodiment of values gone wrong. It seems no accident that the place where Bryce is house-sitting, wittily done to death by the production designer Sophie Becher, has purple carpet creeping up the bathroom walls. Eventually, the ante is raised as the characters have to make more and more damning decisions about one another. The actors do this earnestly (Ms. Witherspoon is touchingly anguished, Mr. Nivola charismatic), but too often the film seems to be playing ethical dress-up with film noir crises it can't fully embrace. ''Best Laid Plans'' clings to this genre plotting while also trying to maintain a fashionable remoteness, to the point where, when an angry drug dealer punishes a thief, the sequence looks like a sadist's dream of a fashion shoot. The setting is minimalist, the victim seen behind a sheer white screen and the tormentor (Rocky Carroll, playing this small role with brio) discusses economics in terms of ''The Wealth of Nations.'' What's wrong with this picture? ''Best Laid Plans'' is rated R (Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian). It includes frequent matter-of-fact profanity, some nasty violence and implied sexual situations, among them statutory rape.


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