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想找一部电影,是裘德·洛Jude Law主演的。


  ◆原 名:Music From Another Room   ◆译 名:乐自芳邻来/天定姻缘   
  ◆导 演:Charlie Peters   ◆编 剧:Charlie Peters   ◆演 员:裘德·洛 Jude Law .... Danny   珍妮佛·提莉 Jennifer Tilly .... Nina Swan   Martha Plimpton .... Karen Swan   布兰达·布莱斯 Brenda Blethyn .... Grace Swan   格雷琴·莫尔 Gretchen Mol .... Anna Swan   Rocco Salata .... Construction Worker (uncredited)   杰里米·皮文 Jeremy Piven .... Billy Swan   Tony Abatemarco .... Lucien   简·亚当斯 Jane Adams .... Irene   Gregg Almquist .... Doctor   Al Berman .... Norman   Brumby Broussard .... Ed   库利·布克 Cory Buck .... Young Danny   David Carpenter .... Konrad   Jennifer Christopher .... Jennifer   ◆类 型:剧情/爱情   ◆片 长:100 Min   ◆上 映:1998年   ◆国 家:美国   ◆语 言:英语   ◆字 幕:无   ◆文 件:1CD 49 x 15MB   ◆评 分:6.5/10(965 votes)

  美国,某城市近郊。已准备在伦敦一家医院供职的汉科,携5岁的儿子丹尼到好友理查家话别。此间,巧遇好友的妻子格雷斯分娩,接生的汉科发现脐带缠住婴儿的脖子,危急中,丹尼在父亲的授意下,将小手伸进产妇的体内将脐带解开,使格雷斯顺利产下一可爱的女婴,取名安娜。此时丹尼看着小安娜,一个奇特的想法油然而生,“我要娶她”这句话当众脱口而出。   二十年后,丹尼从英国回到熟悉的小镇,并与安娜不期而遇。在外表冷漠的安娜身上有一种特殊的魅力深深吸引着丹尼,而且二十年前的经历使丹尼相信他与安娜之间是天定的姻缘。他们的感情就像远处传来的音乐,悠长而耐人寻味,感人至深。

  2010    重生曼波 (Repossession Mambo )   大侦探福尔摩斯2(Sherlock HolmesⅡ)   2009   大侦探福尔摩斯 (Sherlock Holmes)    大侦探福尔摩斯
  愤怒 〔Rage〕   帕那索斯博士的奇幻秀 (The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus)   2008   国际和平日 (The Day After Peace)   2007   足迹 (Sleuth)   蓝莓之夜 (My Blueberry Nights)   2006   恋爱假期 (The Holiday)   国王班底 (All the King's Men )   解构人生 (Breaking and Entering )   2005   Dexterity   2004   空军上校和未来世界/明日世界 (Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow)   雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险 (Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events )(Voice)   偷心 (Closer )   飞行家 (The Aviator)   我爱哈克比 (I Heart Huckabees)   2003   冷山 (Cold Mountain ) 入围金球奖最佳男主角   阿尔菲(21世纪风流才子) Alfie    冷山
  2002   毁灭之路 (Road to Perdition )   2001   人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence: AI)   兵临城下(决战中的较量) (Enemy at the Gates)   2000   Love, Honour and Obey   Happy M'Gee   1999   感官游戏 (eXistenZ )   天才雷普利 (The Talented Mr. Ripley )   此片获得当年金球奖5项提名,而裘德-洛也获得了奥斯卡奖最佳男配角提名及英国学院奖最佳男配角奖   Presence of Mind   Tube Tales(作为导演)   1998 裘德·洛
  吸血情圣 (The Wisdom of Crocodiles),   天定姻缘/乐自芳邻来(Music From Another Room)   Final Cut   1997   善恶园的午夜 (Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil)   生命中不能承受之情 (Bent )   王尔德的情人 (Wilde )   变种异煞/千钧一发(Gattaca )   1996   彷徨的爱 (I Love You, I Love You Not )   1994   疯狂追缉令 (Shopping )   1992   The Crane (短片)


Julian Lennon - Day After Day

I'm coming back , to you, I'm gonna find a way somehow.
I'm making my way, each morning I pray for you,
day after day,
I'll turn every stone, until I get home to you,
day after day.
Where you are is all there is, the only place I want to be
and love is war and war is cold, when you're so far across the sea.
still I'm alive, still in love, I hope this letter finds you well,
through the blood, through the flames, I can hear those wedding bells.
I'm making my way, each morning I pray for you,
day after day,
I'll turn every stone, until I get home to you,
day after day.
Darling you know the winds of peace are blowing,
(they say the answers written in the wind)
still I can hear the fallen angels singing,
(our love is stronger than the million miles that separate us)
I'm making my way, each morning I pray for you,
day after day,
I'll turn every stone, until I get home to you,
day after day....

这个是朱利安 列侬的(约翰列侬之子)
Truly madly, deeply (野人花园的)是片尾曲 中间也有


